Yesterday, I wrote a rant about why it shouldn’t take a team of engineers to buy a dev kit and get mainline Linux running. A great discussion ensued on Google+, which was a great reason for me to log into Google+ for the first time in 3 months, but that’s another story…

Mainline matters. Full stop.

Mainline matters because the people who have to approve patches or pulls in order for code to make it into mainline are smarter than you. They’re smarter than me. They’re smarter than most engineers at every ARM SoC vendor. The people who need to approve code in order for it to make mainline bleed this stuff, they’ve been around for decades, hacking Linux. They’ve seen almost all of the tricks in the book. They will tell you when your code does stupid things. Your code will do stupid things.

If I run TI’s kernel (that happens to be hosted on Arago, thanks for the correction) and I run into a problem, how to I send a patch? How do I share my problem with others who are running that kernel? How do I know it gets fixed correctly? If I fix it myself, how do I know I’m not doing something stupid that was tried 5 years ago and failed miserably?

Short answer, I don’t. I’m trusting TI and myself. TI’s great, but they make mistakes and without the huge amount of experience that exists on mainline mailing lists taking a look at the code, I don’t have huge faith. Look through a TI repo, read all the “fixes foo” followed by “actually fixes foo” followed by “fixes foo again for special case bar” (modified comment from Koen) commits.

I’m putting out a product. My value add is the software that runs on top of Linux and the interfaces to the devices outside the SoC. I want my value adding to stay at those levels. If I’m adding value to my company by making Linux work enough that I can do these other tasks, that’s a failure of the market. I don’t want to worry about the Linux kernel core functionality.

I’m running Debian on my Beaglebones. I use an old compiler. Both for the same exact reason:

My value add isn’t core Linux, it’s everything on top and around the core.


18 May 2012